We love our farm.
That love comes through
loud and clear
in our berries.

Here’s what’s Fresh!


Ralph’s Raspberries


We offer U-pick and we-pick.

Please text (360) 201-2911 to place your orders for we-pick, or visit us at the farm 10am-7pm, 7 days a week, for U-pick!

A classic: Whatcom County raspberries. We’re not saying these delicious, hand-picked berries will change your life, but we’re also not not saying that!


Mary’s Black Currants


We expect our black currants to be ready for picking in July. We-pick only.
Please text (360) 201-2911 to place your pre-orders or to be notified when they are being harvested!

If you’re new to currants, why not skip straight to the dark side! If you’re not new, then you’re already aware that these nutritious beauties are winners. Oh, and being the sweetest of all the currants is a bonus.

Diane’s Red Currants


We expect our red currants to be ready for picking in July. We-pick only.
Please text (360) 201-2911 To place your pre-orders or to be notified when they are being harvested!

Red currants have a delightfully tart and slightly sweet flavor. Many people picture jams or jellies when they think of currants, but have you tried scratch-made red currant sauces for meat and fish dishes? So delicious!


Order yours today!

Ways to buy:

  1. Stop by our farm after 10am, 7 days a week for U-pick (see the “Find Us” page).

  2. Please text (360) 201-2911 to see if we have any We-pick left for the day, or to place a we-pick order in advance.

  3. For large pick-up orders or deliveries, please contact us at (360) 201-2911.